The most frequently asked questions are answered here, but if you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us

Are you taking on new clients at the moment?

Sue – Reflexology & Reiki

Yes I have space for new clients, particularly in my weekday daytime clinics (although I also have a small amount of post-5pm availability at the moment too)

Jamie – Hypnotherapy & Reiki

As hypnotherapy is generally a short-term therapy, I’m currently able to take on new Hypnotherapy clients for online and in-person sessions

How do I book?

If you’d like to book an appointment with either of us you can contact us using the details on our contact page

The Old Surgery is a quiet space so our phones are permanently set to silent. For this reason it’s easier for you to contact us by email, text or WhatApp. We’re always happy to speak on the phone if you’d prefer though, so if you do call, please leave a message and we can call you back as soon as we have a suitable gap in our schedule

Sue has a booking system which uses client email addresses. Once your appointment slot has been agreed, she will send you an email with everything you need to know before you arrive, including how to pay. Once she’s received your payment she’ll add you to the booking system and your appointment will be confirmed by email. You’ll also receive a reminder 24 hours before your appointment

What are your clinic opening hours?

Sue – Reflexology and Reiki

My clinic is open Monday to Friday and closed weekends and bank holidays. Specific clinic hours are:

Monday: 11am – 8.30pm

Tuesday: 12.15pm – 7.15pm

Wednesday: 11am – 7.15pm

Thursday: 11am – 8.30pm

Friday: 11am – 6pm

Jamie – Hypnotherapy and Reiki

I can offer online slots at most times on Monday, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. Weekends are preferable for in-person sessions as they’re quieter at The Old Surgery

When should I arrive for my appointment?

Please arrive for your appointment on time. If you’re early we do have a waiting room

How many Reflexology/Reiki sessions will I need?

This is a very difficult question to answer because everyone responds differently to complementary therapies.  The most important thing is that you enjoy the therapy.  We’ve included some guidelines here but please be assured that we will never pressurise you to re-book after your first session

If you are looking for the therapy to help you with a specific issue we would always recommend a course of at least 5 sessions to see whether the therapy is likely to help you.  With reflexology specifically it’s unlikely that one session will bring about a lasting change, but the effects seem to be accumulative so after 5 or so you should notice a real change if it’s going to work for you.  For fertility reflexology Sue usually recommends that clients see her weekly for at least 2 menstrual cycles

For maintenance and general well-being we would normally recommend monthly sessions

Sue has written a blog post about this subject and you can read it here

Where is your clinic?

Our clinic is in The Old Surgery, 4a Green Road, Meanwood, Leeds, LS6 4JP

For map, directions and parking advice, click here

What qualifications do you have?

Please visit our about page to find out more about our qualifications and experience

Do you sell gift vouchers/take third party bookings?

People like to choose their therapist (and therapy) themselves; it’s a very personal choice and not one that can generally be made for them.  For this reason we only offer gift vouchers or take third party bookings if the recipient has already enjoyed at least one session with us previously (there are obvious exceptions regarding third party bookings, eg. children).

Do you offer discounts/concessions?

Block booking discounts and concessions for people in receipt of certain benefits are available. Please contact us for more details

What aftercare advice can you give?

After Reflexology and Reki it’s a good idea to drink plenty of water as soon as possible and for the rest of the day. This is to flush out any toxins that may have been worked out by the treatment.

It’s also recommended that you take it easy after your session, not because going to the gym or back to a busy office will do you any harm, but simply because the more you relax afterwards the more beneficial the treatment will be.

In some instances you may notice that you feel a little worse after your session. This is what we refer to as a healing response and is a positive sign that things are shifting, even if it can be a little unnerving if you’re not expecting it. If you ever have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

What kind of products do you use?

Sue is very concerned about her impact on the environment and is committed to using natural products as much as possible (it’s better for clients and it’s better for her). For this reason she only uses organic vegan creams and oils and linens made from natural fibres.

How do I pay you?

Sue: Reflexology and Reiki

Bank transfer payments only

A bank transfer payment is required at the time of booking to secure your first appointment with me. You can also use bank transfer for any subsequent sessions at any point prior to your treatment

I’ll send you my bank account details when I confirm your first booking

Jamie: Hypnotherapy and Reiki

All Hypnotherapy and Reiki sessions should be paid for in advance of your appointment using the bank account details which I’ll send to you when I confirm your appointment (or via PayPal)

All advance payments are fully refundable up to 24 hours before your appointment time (or at any time if you need to cancel due to Covid-19)

If we don’t receive your payment within 48 hours of taking your booking, we will offer your slot to someone else

How many hypnotherapy sessions will I need?

Unlike many other psychological therapies, Hypnotherapy is generally considered to be a fairly short-term approach in which beneficial change, if it is to occur, should become apparent within a relatively few sessions.  I will never pressurise you to re-book after your first session, but will discuss at your consultation how many sessions I think you might benefit from for your particular issue.

What is your cancellation policy?

We’ve all, at some time or another, made an appointment and then something really important has cropped up, or we’ve decided that the time just isn’t right at the moment. We fully accept that this happens; it’s life. In these instances all we ask is that you respect the value of our time and give us as much notice as possible. If appointments are cancelled at very short notice we don’t have time to book in another client to take your place, which isn’t fair on anyone who may have wanted your appointment slot and leaves us out of pocket.  Therefore if you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment, or fail to arrive, you will be asked to pay the full treatment price. We also operate a ‘no re-booking’ policy for clients who fail to arrive or cancel very late in the day (except, of course, in cases of sudden illness or emergency)

Can I claim for my session(s) through my health cash plan?

As Sue is a member of the Association of Reflexologists and CNHC, if your particular health cash plan covers Reflexology then yes, you can. Some plans will also cover you for Reiki but we don’t pay for professional membership for this therapy as well, so please check with your provider first. Just ask us to give you a receipt when you pay.

Jamie is a member of the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (and registered on the General Hypnotherapy register). If your plan covers hypnotherapy, you should therefore be able to make a claim for your Hypnotherapy sessions with him.

Do you work with children?

Sue is always happy to work with children and has a current DBS certificate.  She is also trained in baby and toddler reflexology.

Depending on their age, children tend to need shorter sessions and different approaches to adults. With this in mind she’s always happy to consult with you and tailor-make a solution that is likely to be best for your child.  Charges for children will depend upon the approach we decide to take.

Jamie is happy to work with older children and adolescents.

In all cases, parent/guardian consent is required and you may be asked to be present for the sessions, depending on the age of the child.

Is your therapy room accessible?

Yes, The Old Surgery has an accessible entrance and toilet facilities. Please ask us about your parking options and also let us know what additional needs you may have, so that we can arrange the space accordingly.

Do you see clients in their own homes?

Sue is 100% clinic-based

Jamie is happy to come to you for Hypnotherapy if you are physically unable to visit him at The Old Surgery, however given the nature of this therapy, he will need to discuss how to make your space suitable for your sessions

Do you guarantee results?

The therapies we practise may benefit almost anyone and may provide relief for almost any condition. Our reputation is very important to us and we can’t and never would offer any guarantees as they each work on a very individual level

In addition, if we think that a visit to your GP or another type of therapist would better meet your needs, we will always tell you. Being ethical in our approach is very important to us.

I have x issue, which therapy would you recommend?

There are no hard and fast rules about which therapy might best meet your needs.  What we usually suggest is that you try the one you most like the sound of first and see if it’s the one for you.

Can reflexology help foot problems?

Although reflexology is generally performed on the feet, it’s not necessarily helpful for foot problems.  I have sometimes noticed a reduction in verrucas and corns on the feet of regular clients over time, and it can leave your feet feeling great, but if you have structural problems with your feet then you’re probably better off seeing a podiatrist or your GP

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